guess who's back, back again..?

   Hey guys, we are back lol and hopefully for the last time.
We've decided to give this blogging thing another whirl but this time we plan to be a lot more consistent and to actually make an effort. We took time out to develop ourselves a lot more as well as the blog. We plan to bring something different and unique to the blogging world and we have a lot planned, including collaborations with other new bloggers. 
Third time lucky ay.
This is the third time we are deciding to get back to blogging, due to loosing motivation and being stuck on how to make ourselves different from every typical blogger. Hopefully the time we have taken out reflects in our posts.
If you are new to our blog, WELCOME!
We are Lara and Samara, a blogging duo from London who are both aspiring to gain a career in fashion. We're here to document our personal style, beauty, and lifestyle so join us on our journey and be sure to stay tuned.
stay fabulous!x